Divorce Education and Insights

Divorce in Alberta Without Lawyers
Divorce in Alberta Without Lawyers “You become a spectator only. You are on the fence and your lawyer and the lawyer for your spouse are

What is Mediation? Divorce in Alberta
What is Mediation? Divorce in Alberta Most people know that choosing divorce mediation means that they choose to not fight in court, but their knowledge

How Good are your Communication Skills?
How Good are your Communication Skills? How well we communicate has a direct effect on how successful we are, whether at work or in our

5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Divorce Misconceptions
5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Divorce Misconceptions Most of us have a lot of divorce misconceptions. People don’t actually know all that much about

Should I Stay Married for My Kids?
Should I Stay Married for My Kids? People ask: Should I stay married for my kids? Have you been living a loveless, sexless, unfulfilling relationship

Canada’s Divorce Act Changing
Canada’s Divorce Act Changing There are changes to Canada’s Divorce Act coming March 1, 2021. These changes are amendments to the existing act under Bill